Vacation Rental Logo
Vacation Rental Logo

Logo design for vacation rental home in Costa Rica. The plant of Ñampí (a Costa Rican root vegetable) depicted in the logo.

Personal Stylist Business Card Design
Personal Stylist Business Card Design

Minimalistic, refined logo and business card with logo lettering used as a background pattern, reminiscent of luxury brand logo patterning.

Yvon Gachette Logo
Yvon Gachette Logo

Monogram Logo of client’s initials. Understated complexity.

Luxury Beachfront Property Development Logo
Luxury Beachfront Property Development Logo

Logo and signage concept for a property development in Costa Rica. Clean and sophisticated logo featuring a plumeria flower (known as “Flor Blanca” in the region), requested by client as representation of the many plants on and surrounding the luxury, oceanfront property.

Small Business Branding
Small Business Branding

Logo design variations: a minimalistic empanada as a setting sun, reflective of the business location’s tropical beach environment. Menu/business card and sticker design.

Surf Photographer Logo
Surf Photographer Logo

Watermark and logo design for surf photographer, Richard Kotch. Design option selected by client.

Surf Photographer Logo Option
Surf Photographer Logo Option

Logo and watermark design option for surf photographer, Richard Kotch. Secondary selection.

Surfboard Shaper Logo Option
Surfboard Shaper Logo Option

Shaper requested logo using his name, Oas, as the design for his custom shapes.

Surfboard Shaper Logo Concept
Surfboard Shaper Logo Concept

Logo concept option selected by shaper. Requested use of his name, Oas, as the basis of the design.

Surf Artist Logo Stamp and Business Card
Surf Artist Logo Stamp and Business Card

Breaking wave logo designed as a wide M as the wave’s cresting lip, and a D forming the wave’s curl/tube. These letters represent the brand-name’s fabricated compound word which combines the Spanish words of “mar” and “dulce,” translating to “sweet sea” in reference to the artist’s subject matter of being a painter of hyperrealistic oceanscapes.

Restaurant Sign and Logo Concept
Restaurant Sign and Logo Concept

Logo design and restaurant concept. AI prompt writing for sign material and environment mockup.

Restaurant Branding
Restaurant Branding

Thai restaurant branding based on meaning of “Sabai” in Thai language meaning, “relaxed and comfortable or a state of contentment and well-being.” Copy writing and graphic design. Logo, business card and to-go menu cover.

Company Rebrand
Company Rebrand

Company logo and voice rebrand. Informational poster layout design and image sourcing. Translation of copy from Spanish and elaborated upon with market research, editing and copy writing in English for a US-based consumer market in Costa Rica.

Wellness Community Logo
Wellness Community Logo

Sustainable wellness community logo featuring the Wheel of Dharma as a symbol of the values associated with Buddhism and the community’s vision of peaceful, regenerative and environmentally cooperative living.

Cotedivoire Brochure mockup copy.jpg
Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - Côte d'Ivoire
Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - Côte d'Ivoire

Logo design made to represent the rebranding of the country as a business and leisure destination. Design focus on the refinement associated with Côte d'Ivoire’s French Colonial influence, plus the elephant in regard to the country’s namesake (Ivory Coast) and its biodiversity.

North Korea Brochure mockup.jpg
Travel & Tourism  Project for Country Rebranding - North Korea
Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - North Korea

Logo design made to represent the rebranding of the country as an adventure tourism destination. Design focus on a cool, young demographic and nodding to the country’s flag by utilizing the star in the design.

Rebrand Logo for Direct AV
Rebrand Logo for Direct AV

Logo update request to retain the company’s current image but in a sportier, surf-centric aesthetic.

Wedding Monogram for Josh & Julie
Wedding Monogram for Josh & Julie

Stylized letter J reflected to create an essence of the archetypal house-shape to symbolize the home they are creating in their marriage.

Los Pargos Sostenible
Los Pargos Sostenible

Logo design for community beach cleanup and recycling initiative in Los Pargos, Costa Rica.

Vacation Rental Logo
Personal Stylist Business Card Design
Yvon Gachette Logo
Luxury Beachfront Property Development Logo
Small Business Branding
Surf Photographer Logo
Surf Photographer Logo Option
Surfboard Shaper Logo Option
Surfboard Shaper Logo Concept
Surf Artist Logo Stamp and Business Card
Restaurant Sign and Logo Concept
Restaurant Branding
Company Rebrand
Wellness Community Logo
Cotedivoire Brochure mockup copy.jpg
Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - Côte d'Ivoire
North Korea Brochure mockup.jpg
Travel & Tourism  Project for Country Rebranding - North Korea
Rebrand Logo for Direct AV
Wedding Monogram for Josh & Julie
Los Pargos Sostenible
Vacation Rental Logo

Logo design for vacation rental home in Costa Rica. The plant of Ñampí (a Costa Rican root vegetable) depicted in the logo.

Personal Stylist Business Card Design

Minimalistic, refined logo and business card with logo lettering used as a background pattern, reminiscent of luxury brand logo patterning.

Yvon Gachette Logo

Monogram Logo of client’s initials. Understated complexity.

Luxury Beachfront Property Development Logo

Logo and signage concept for a property development in Costa Rica. Clean and sophisticated logo featuring a plumeria flower (known as “Flor Blanca” in the region), requested by client as representation of the many plants on and surrounding the luxury, oceanfront property.

Small Business Branding

Logo design variations: a minimalistic empanada as a setting sun, reflective of the business location’s tropical beach environment. Menu/business card and sticker design.

Surf Photographer Logo

Watermark and logo design for surf photographer, Richard Kotch. Design option selected by client.

Surf Photographer Logo Option

Logo and watermark design option for surf photographer, Richard Kotch. Secondary selection.

Surfboard Shaper Logo Option

Shaper requested logo using his name, Oas, as the design for his custom shapes.

Surfboard Shaper Logo Concept

Logo concept option selected by shaper. Requested use of his name, Oas, as the basis of the design.

Surf Artist Logo Stamp and Business Card

Breaking wave logo designed as a wide M as the wave’s cresting lip, and a D forming the wave’s curl/tube. These letters represent the brand-name’s fabricated compound word which combines the Spanish words of “mar” and “dulce,” translating to “sweet sea” in reference to the artist’s subject matter of being a painter of hyperrealistic oceanscapes.

Restaurant Sign and Logo Concept

Logo design and restaurant concept. AI prompt writing for sign material and environment mockup.

Restaurant Branding

Thai restaurant branding based on meaning of “Sabai” in Thai language meaning, “relaxed and comfortable or a state of contentment and well-being.” Copy writing and graphic design. Logo, business card and to-go menu cover.

Company Rebrand

Company logo and voice rebrand. Informational poster layout design and image sourcing. Translation of copy from Spanish and elaborated upon with market research, editing and copy writing in English for a US-based consumer market in Costa Rica.

Wellness Community Logo

Sustainable wellness community logo featuring the Wheel of Dharma as a symbol of the values associated with Buddhism and the community’s vision of peaceful, regenerative and environmentally cooperative living.

Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - Côte d'Ivoire

Logo design made to represent the rebranding of the country as a business and leisure destination. Design focus on the refinement associated with Côte d'Ivoire’s French Colonial influence, plus the elephant in regard to the country’s namesake (Ivory Coast) and its biodiversity.

Travel & Tourism Project for Country Rebranding - North Korea

Logo design made to represent the rebranding of the country as an adventure tourism destination. Design focus on a cool, young demographic and nodding to the country’s flag by utilizing the star in the design.

Rebrand Logo for Direct AV

Logo update request to retain the company’s current image but in a sportier, surf-centric aesthetic.

Wedding Monogram for Josh & Julie

Stylized letter J reflected to create an essence of the archetypal house-shape to symbolize the home they are creating in their marriage.

Los Pargos Sostenible

Logo design for community beach cleanup and recycling initiative in Los Pargos, Costa Rica.

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